Plastic frame for the Iphone X front cameraID: 39771Negotiable price0,29 €0,24 € netProduct availability
Touch Screen G + OCA Pro with original touch (with oleophobic cover) iPhone XID: 6232513,93 €11,33 € netProduct availability
Battery Volttrix iPhone X (Original BMS) 2716 mAhID: 67724EAN: 5906358200039Temporarily unavailable22,42 €18,23 € net
Original Battery iPhone X 2716 mAh (Service Pack)ID: 63536EAN: 107082002095PID: 616-00346, 616-00351Temporarily unavailable34,84 €28,33 € net
Touchscreen + OCA Musttby YOUR with original iPhone X touch controllerID: 67237Temporarily unavailable13,64 €11,09 € net