
Method returns list of shipment types.

Usage URL:

Query params

(put those in your URL, e.g. ?id=123)

  • country | required


    Country iso code.

    Example: Two letters format ie: DE, PL, GB, US

  • id

    integer or integer[]

    Internal identifier of shipment type.
    More than one value can be specified after comma (,) separator.

  • modified

    datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

    Return all shipment types modified after the modified param. That is highly recommended when you want to update your local database.

  • name


    Name of the shipment type.

    Example: 'box' will return all shipment types that contain box in the `name` field.

  • weight


    Returns all shipment types that can carry specified weight. Unit is in kg.

  • lang


    Language of result. ISO 2 Letter Language Codes ie

    Example: en, pl, cs

  • id


    Shipment type internal identifier.

  • modified

    datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

    When shipment type was last modified

  • name


    Shipment type name.

  • description


    Shipment type description.

  • trackingurl


    URL of website where customers can track their package status.

  • maxweight


    Max allowable weight for this shipment type. Returns 0 if country code was not specified.

Example URL:,37

        "id": 34,
        "modified": "2018-09-26 10:20:13",
        "name": "FEDEX (Express)",
        "description": "Ekspresowa dostawa \"od drzwi do drzwi\" dokument\u00f3w i towar\u00f3w podlegaj\u0105cych ocleniu o wadze do 68 kg z okre\u015blonym czasem dor\u0119czenia, obejmuj\u0105ca odpraw\u0119 celn\u0105.\n\nDor\u0119czanie przesy\u0142ek na terenie wi\u0119kszo\u015bci kraj\u00f3w Europy Zachodniej nast\u0119pnego dnia.",
        "logo": "no-image",
        "trackingurl": "https:\/\/\/fedextrack\/?tracknumbers=[number]&locale=en_GB",
        "minorders": 0,
        "maxweight": 0
        "id": 37,
        "modified": "2018-09-28 12:10:44",
        "name": "InPost - Paczkomaty",
        "description": null,
        "logo": "\/image.php?name=575949e85f5d4d1382e11d5219848839-nowt.png",
        "trackingurl": "https:\/\/\/pl\/znajdz-przesylke?parcel=[number]",
        "minorders": 0,
        "maxweight": 0
Example URL:,37

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<modified>2018-09-26 10:20:13</modified>
		<name>FEDEX (Express)</name>
		<description>Ekspresowa dostawa &quot;od drzwi do drzwi&quot; dokumentów i towarów podlegających ocleniu o wadze do 68 kg z określonym czasem doręczenia, obejmująca odprawę celną.

Doręczanie przesyłek na terenie większości krajów Europy Zachodniej następnego dnia.</description>
		<modified>2018-09-28 12:10:44</modified>
		<name>InPost - Paczkomaty</name>